RRB ALP Admit Card 2024 Phase1: Download Instructions & Exam Guidelines

The tentative months of exams for recruiting ALP posts are released on the official website of the Railway Recruitment Board for the upcoming Assistant Loco Pilot Exam, 2024. Once the exam date sheets are released the admit card will be released a week before the exam date.

Keep checking the official website frequently.


The RRB ALP (Railway Recruitment Board, Assistance Loco Pilot) admit card for the 2024 exam has not yet been officially released, however, the steps to download the Hall Ticket when it is officially released to the public on their website, use the following comprehensive guidelines in this article to download it without any hassle. 


Overview of the ALP (Assistance Loco Pilot) Recruitment 2024


Name of the Post Assistance Loco Pilot
Recruitment Conducting Organization  Railway Recruitment Board 
Category  National Test
Exam date Yet to release

(Only tentative months are officially released on the website)

Admit card status  Not yet release 
Vacancy  18799 seats
Exam Phase 4 phases 




4. RRB ALP Interview/ Document Verification and Counseling.

Mode of Exam Online Computer Based Test
Medium  English or Hindi (optional)
Official Website www.indianrailways.gov.in 


A comprehensive guide on how to download the Admit Card/ Hall ticket for ALP exam, 2024


  • Go to the official website of the Railway Recruitment Board
  • On the top of the Hompage, you will find an option for recruitment or Examination. Click on that.
  • You will find the updated important links released, click the one that says Admit Card for ALP 2024 Exam.
  • Another way to find the link is to find the column of notifications and important links at the center of the homepage. 
  • After clicking on the link, you will get to a new tab where you are required to fill up your credentials, such as your registration number and password which was set during the registration process. Often instead of asking for the password your date of birth is used to log in.
  • Download the admit card showing on your screen and take it to the nearest printout shop to get it printed out. It is important to carry the hard copy of the admit card to the exam center on the exam day.
  • If you find any mistake printed on the admit card, immediately contact the concerned authority to raise the issue and how to rectify it so that you do not meet any obstacles entering the exam hall.


What are the details printed on the admit card, for the RRB ALP exam?

  • Candidate’s name
  • Registration number
  • Examination center
  • Exam shift
  • Reporting time
  • Exam Center address 
  • Date of exam
  • Bar code
  • Candidate’s signature
  • Candidate’s printed photo
  • Undertaking with spaces for the candidate’s signature, photo, and thumbprint to be taken in front of the invigilator.
  • Space for the invigilator’s signature


Note: fill up your details on the undertaking form added at the bottom of the admit card but put your signature in front of the invigilator in the exam hall. This is to prove that you are the person whose details are mentioned in the admit card for the RRB ALP exam.


Important note: 

  1. Always have the downloaded PDF of the filled-up registration form so that it can be later used as proof that any printing mistake has occurred from your side at the time of registration. If it is, use the opportunity to correct the mistake while they open the correction window. Always remember to cross-check your details before entering before the final submission and always remember to check the admit card after downloading it before the exam day.
  2. Your admit Card is not going to reach your doorstep via post or mail. You need to frequently open their official website for any changes, and updated notifications so that you do not miss out on anything important.
  3. Step out of your house early on the exam day and try to reach the center before the reporting time. It is always safe to be early. Understand the difference between 5 minutes early and 5 minutes late.


Things to carry on the day of the Exam-

  1. A Government-issued ID can be your Adhaar Card, PAN Card, Voter ID, or Driving license.
  2. Carry a transparent water bottle with you. Stay hydrated and focused.
  3. Take two passport-size photos with you.

Note: if you cannot produce an original ID proof, take an undertaking with you to avoid not getting access to the exam hall.


Things to avoid carrying inside the Exam Hall


  1. Any accessory like hair clips, watch, belt
  2. Avoid wearing thick shoes.
  3. Do not take any Bluetooth-connected device or calculator. You will be expelled from the center and strict action will be taken against you if you are found guilty of possessing any such items inside the exam hall.
  4. Any paper should not be taken inside.
  5. Carry a transparent ball pen, however, most of the exam center provides pens that must be returned after the exam.
  6. No food items are allowed to be carried inside
  7. Any form of unfair practice during the exam is strictly prohibited. Remember, you are under strict surveillance. 


Additional important note: Always read the guidelines that come with the admit card before coming to the exam center to avoid making any unintentional mistakes. Stay away from getting into inexcusable actions during the exam.


The release of tentative months when the exams are going to be held for RRB ALP recruitment is beneficial for the candidates who have already registered their application forms to take part in this national test planning. They can plan a strategic time distribution among the papers to study and revise before the exam.

We hope this article helps you relief from doubts and confusion regarding the exam dates and admit card status. Follow the concise guide given here to avoid making mistakes. For more details, always visit the official website mentioned above in this article for reference. Do not get misguided by false information. 

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