RPF SI 2024 Admit Card: Download Instructions & Exam Details

The admit card for the 2024 RPF (Railway Protection Force, India) SI (Sub Inspector) written exam which is going to take place soon has not been released yet on the official website. In this article, we are going to provide a concise comprehensive guide on how to download the admit card along with exam-related matters. The admit card will be released soon, meanwhile, keep going with your exam preparation.


Step by step to download the Admit card

  • Go to the official website of the Railway Protection Force 
  • Once you open are on the Home page, there will be a Recruitment option on the top of the screen, click there.
  • Or you may go to the updated admit card link among the important link section once it is officially released.
  • Enter the credentials asked which can be your registration number, the password you set in the process of registration, or your date of birth, and submit.
  • Once the admit card appears on your screen, download and save it for later to be printed out from a nearby shop. It is necessary to carry the hard copy of your admit card to the examination otherwise you will not be permitted to sit in the exam hall.
  • Save a PDF for future reference.


Details to check on RPF SI Admit Card


It is important to check the details on your admit card to see if any mistake is made. Check the following details-

  1. Candidate’s name
  2. Examination name
  3. Candidate’s photograph
  4. Gender 
  5. Father’s and Mother’s name
  6. Candidate’s date of birth
  7. Roll Number
  8. Category
  9. Exam date and shift
  10. Exam center details and address 


Note: It is important to read the important guidelines given on the back of your admit card to avoid making unintentional mistakes. If any of the details are found wrong, without hesitation, contact the examination conducting authorities and raise the issue to avoid any unwanted scenes on the exam day at the center.


Overall recruiting Review


                                                           Recruiting Review
Name of the post Railway Protection Force, Sub Inspector
Organization Ministry of Railway
Admit card status Not yet released 
Category  Central service 
Department  Railway 
Mode of examination Online (computer-based examination)
Vacancy  452
Official website rpf.indianrailways.gov.in


RPF SI (Railway Protection Force Of India, Sub Inspector) Recruiting eligibility criteria 


According to the Ministry Of Railways, the candidate must meet the following criteria to be an eligible candidate to appear in the exam:

  1. The candidate should be an Indian Citizen. They must have a Government Approved ID like a Voter ID, Adhaar Card, PAN card, and Passport to prove their citizenship while registering as well as before entering the exam hall.
  2. The eligible candidate must have a degree (BA or MA) from any recognized institution/university.
  3. Candidate must be above the age of 20 and less than 28 years old to be eligible to take this exam.


RPF SI (Railway Protection Force Of India, Sub Inspector) Recruiting Process


There are three tiers in the process of recruiting Sub Inspector for the Railway Protection Force India- 

  1. CBT- multiple choice questions will be asked in this computer-based test (CBT)


  1. PET/PMT- after qualifying for the CBT, a Physical Efficiency Test, or Physical and medical test will be conducted. Qualified Male candidates will have to do a 1600-meter run in 6 minutes and 30 seconds, 12 feet Long Jump, and a 3 ft 9-inch High Jump. 


Qualified female candidates will have to give a physical test of 800 meters run in 4 minutes, 9 ft Long Jump, and 3ft High Jump.


  1. Document Verification

After qualifying for the second tier qualified candidates must undertake document Verification. They must show the original certificates – Class 10 Certificate, Graduation Certificate, Caste certificate (if there is any, and this is applicable for other reservation certificates), No Objection certificate for current Government employee, discharge certificate for former serviceman, Domicile Certificate.


After clearing all these three tiers, the final name will be shortlisted to join the service. 


RPF SI (Railway Protection Force Of India, Sub Inspector) Exam Syllabus 


  1. General awareness and knowledge 
  2. Environmental issues
  3. Indian History
  4. Geography
  5. Economy 
  6. General Polity and the Indian Constitution
  7. Sport 
  8. Reasoning and Logic aptitude
  9. General Science and Arithmetic


Question Pattern 


                                                       Exam Duration: 2 hours
Section  Marks 
General knowledge and awareness  50
Arithmetic  35
Reasoning and logic aptitude  35
Total 120


Things to wear and carry

  • Keep your outfit clean and plain (less printed)
  • Carry a transparent water bottle
  • Two passport-size photos exact to the one you have used in the registration.
  • Government IDs like Adhaar Cards, PAN Card, and most importantly a printed admit card.


 Things to avoid

  • Bluetooth device, phone, watch
  • Do not wear a watch and belt inside the exam hall
  • You cannot take a calculator inside the exam hall 
  • Wallet and food items are prohibited too
  • No writing pad or pen is allowed inside
  • Any piece of paper with anything written can appear suspicious and might stir trouble, avoid carrying anything like that. 


Always check on the official website of RPF to avoid missing out on important updates or last-minute changes made (rare case). Reach the exam center a few minutes before reporting time just to be on the safe side, any factor can be unforeseen cause of delay. No candidate will be permitted to sit in the exam hall without the printed hard copy of the Admit Card. Keep your credentials handy and easy so that it is easy to remember. 


The Admit Card of the Railway Protection Force Sub Inspector recruiting exam is highly expected to be released in September, a few days before the exam takes place. Do not miss the chance to grab the career opportunity offered by the Railway Police Force by frequently checking and visiting their official website mentioned above in this article. Follow the steps and guidelines provided here for easy access and download your admit card, to avoid making mistakes at the exam center. Stay updated, and informed.

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