HP High Court Recruitment 2024: 187 Clerk, Steno, Driver, Peon Vacancy Apply Online here

The candidates who attended this recruitment or who successfully written the test are waiting to hear their results. As we still have not had an official date for the releasing of the result, the result may be out in the process of 12th December to 20th December.

HP High Court Notification 2024 Apply Online Date

The Himachal Pradesh High Court advertised 15 posts on 29.11.2024 and Online application will be started from 30.11.2024 for the various posts such as Stenographer, Driver, etc. You may apply online until 31 December 2024. The last date to pay the application fee is 12:On 31 December 2024 exactly at 12:00 am Time, that is the link for the online application will be closed.

The candidate interested to apply for the recruitment should read the notification carefully and apply it before the last date.

HP High Court Recruitment 2024 Overview

BoardHigh Court of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla
PostGroup C & D Posts
Post Number187 Vacancy
Form Start30/11/2024
Last Date31/12/2024
Official Websitewww.hphighcourt.nic.in

Post details

  • CLERK – 63
  • DRIVER-06
  • DAILY WAGES – 02 posts

Age Limit

  • Age of the candidate shall be reckoned as on 01.01.2024 as per the following criteria:
  • between 18 to 45 years


  • Pay Level 03 i.e., Rs. 20,200- 64,000/- of the pay Matrix
  • Pay Level 06 i.e., Rs. 25,600- 81,200/- of the pay Matrix

HP High Court Bharti 2024 Education Qualification

The candidates must be at least graduation, computer literate to be specific to manage and operate computers, understand the windows and Linux OS, typing and printing skills.

The process of selection will be a Screening Test, Written Test, Typing Test and Document Verification (DV) as per the R&P Rules, 2022.

Candidates must pass the typing test for English 30 WPM (using computer software) and Hindi 25 WPM (using Kruti Dev -10 font only). Typing test will be conducted separately after that candidate has qualified the Screening Test.

HP High Court 2024 Selection Process

  • First stenography test
  • Then typing test
  • Then document verification

Application fees

  • Unreserved (UR) – 347.92/-
  • Reserved Categories (SC/ST/OBS/AB/PAH) – 197.92/-

How to Apply HP High Court Recruitment 2024

  1. First, visit the official website: www.hphighcourt.nic.in.
  2. In its selected site, the candidate should look for the “Latest” and be in the Recruitment part.
  3. It is situated in the Recruitment section where you will spot the “Apply Online” link.
  4. Click on the link.
  5. Enter all of the necessary information, and then press on the “Next” button.
  6. Scan and upload your photo and thumb impression as provided following the recommended dimensions.
  7. On the next page, make the payment of the application fee.
  8. Make sure to save your information then click on the submit button of your form.


  1. How do I make my application for the posts?
    Those who wish to apply for the posts can apply through online mode by writing to the Himachal Pradesh High Court through its website www.hphighcourt.nic.in by applying for the posts.
  2. What is the deadline for application?
    In regards to the online application the last date for submission of the application is 31 December 2024.
  3. What is the application fee?
    The application fee details will be mentioned on the official website or the recruitment notification but nearly every job is asking for some fees for your application this could be due to the fact that several candidates will be applying for a particular post. Kindly check the notification for any Official information.
  4. It will be useful to know what requirements are set for the positions.
    Qualifications required for the positions include a graduation degree from a recognized university; knowledge of computers including the operation of computers and typing, windows and Linux regulated operating systems.
  5. What is meant by selection process?
    Ultimately the screening test, written test typing test and document verification or DV completes its selection process.
  6. What should be the typing speed of an employee?
    The typing speed should be 30 WPM for English and 25 WPM for Hindi among the candidates. The Screening Test will be followed by separate typing tests.
  7. What if I missed the last date of application?
    No, the application portal will be closed after 31st December 2024 only respectively to various research proposals. Concerning the application one is recommended to apply before the deadline.
  8. I am wondering how to make the payment for the application fee.
    Regarding the payment of the application fee, you will be guided online throughout the application process.

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