BSSC Inter Level Admit Card 2024: Important Instructions and Exam Dates

The Bihar Staff Selection Commission is all set to conduct the Inter Level Examination, an important test for those aspiring for government jobs in Bihar. The examination is aimed at recruiting candidates for various posts in Bihar government departments, ministries, and agencies.

BSSC has announced a total of 11,098 vacancies in various roles such as Clerk, Revenue Officer, Panchayat Secretary, Filariasis Inspector, Tanh Sahayak Secretary, Assistant Lecturer, and similar posts in various government departments of the state.

To appear for the examination, candidates need to download their BSSC Inter Level Admit Card from the official website a few days before the exam. It is important to check the official notifications regularly to ensure quick access to your admit card.

BSSC Inter-Level Admit Card 2024

Conducting Body Bihar Staff Selection Commission
Examination Inter-Level Examination
Post Names Clerical, Revenue Worker, Panchayat Secretary, etc.
Total Number of Vacancies 11098 Posts
Exam Date To be announced
BSSC Admit Card Date To be released
Official Website

The registration process for this exam begins on September 27, 2023. Candidates have ample time to register and fill in their application forms within the stipulated time. The application deadline has been extended to December 11, 2023, and the last date for payment of registration fees is set as December 9, 2023.

Bihar Clerical Selection Process

The selection process for the BSSC Inter-Level Examination consists of several stages. First, candidates have to clear the preliminary examination which is a computer-based test (CBT). Those who clear the preliminary examination will proceed to the main examination.

Candidates who are successful in the main examination will then be shortlisted for interview. The final selection is based on the combined results of the main examination and interview.

Before being officially selected, candidates must undergo a document verification process to confirm their qualifications. This process ensures that only the most qualified candidates are selected for positions.

Examination Schedule

You can usually find the timetable for the Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC) Inter-Level Examination on their official website or through their official notifications. For the latest and most accurate information, it is best to visit their website or contact their office directly. They regularly post updates on the date, time and venue of the examination.

BSSC Inter Level Exam Date 2024

The Bihar Staff Selection Commission has not yet announced the official date for the Inter-level Preliminary Examination 2024. However, it is expected to be held in the last quarter of 2024. The examination will be of 2 hours and 15 minutes duration and will be conducted offline.

As soon as BSSC confirms the official examination date, we will update this information to provide you with the latest details. Stay tuned to the official website and other reliable sources for updates on the examination schedule and related notifications.

Paper Pattern and Exam Scheme

  • The BSSC Inter-Level Preliminary Test is a Computer-Based Test (CBT).
  • It consists of 100 questions, each worth 4 marks.
  • You will have 2 hours (120 minutes) to complete the test.
  • There is a penalty: 1 mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer.
Subjects Questions Marks
General Studies 50 200
Mental Ability Test 50 200
General Science and Mathematics 50 200
Total 150 600


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