BSF Tradesman Recruitment 2024: Apply Online for 2140 Constable Posts

The 2024 term recruitment for the Border Security Force (BSF) Tradesman for the constable position is going to happen soon. The notice for the official recruitment is out, various posts for constable are going to recruit from the most eligible and performative candidates among the eligible candidates who applied for these posts. For more details regarding the BSF, Tradesman Recruitment will be covered and explained thoroughly in this article, if you are among the interested candidates planning to take a chance and take the challenge and competition in the recruitment process, this article will help you further to see if you are eligible to be part of it. 


The Border Security Force (BSF) Tradesman Recruitment Official Notice 2024


The recruitment Registration process for the Border Security Force (BSF) is expected to be out any time soon in July, so candidates who are interested in taking part in the selection process are advised strongly to maintain frequent visits to the official website of the Border Security Force for the term 2024. This is a great chance to test your limit and if your performance is up to the mark or beyond, you have a high chance to be shortlisted and become a government civil servant.


Overview of the Border Security Force (BSF) Tradesman Recruitment, 2024


Learning about the overview of this recruitment will provide a skeletonic idea. After giving you the basic idea through this table presentation we shall uncover each of them to avoid creating confusion.


                                            Overview of the Recruitment 2024
Name of the post Constable (various posts)
Name of the recruitment organization Border Security Force Tradesman 
Category  Central Govt Job
Vacancy  2140
Registration Status  To be released soon
Mode of Registration  Online 
Job Domain According to the allocation (any border location)
Exam date To be released 
Official website  


Registration Process for the BSF Tradesman Recruitment, 2024


The registration process for the Border Security Force Tradesman Recruitment has not started yet and the official notice stated that the registration is expected to be initiated any time now. It is best advised to keep checking the mentioned official website of the Border Security Force to not miss out on any important updates of dates and events related to this recruitment.


Since the registration is going to be live and initiated soon, we shall provide here a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the process confidently.

Follow the steps below-

  • Visit the official website and on the homepage, there will be a live ad of the registration link for this recruitment notice. Click on it.
  • The next moment you will be on a new tab of the registration window, find the icon of ‘new registration’.
  • Registration is the first step that comes before filing the application form. Submit the credentials asked accurately including contact details.
  • On the contact details provided, you will receive an OTP that will be used to verify your registration. 
  • After submitting you will be officially registered and you will receive your registration number and a temporary password which needs to be changed immediately. Save the registration number and newly created password safely for future use.
  • The next step is accepting teams and conditions that come before the application form. Go through the guidelines provided instead of jumping into the application form page blindly. 
  • Once you have accepted the terms and conditions, you will be given the application form, page by page. Fill in the credentials asked on it very cautiously to avoid headaches in the future. 
  • Documents such as recently taken passport-size scanned photos and signatures will be required to be uploaded in a specific format as instructed in the form and guidelines.
  • The step of the registration is fee payment. Before paying the fee, make sure to go through all the credentials you have filled in and check if any unintentional mistake has been entered.
  • Make the payment successfully, if it says unsuccessfully, re-attempt because without a successful fee payment, the application form will not be considered a complete form and will be rejected.
  • If the application form is rejected you will not be able to receive the admit card to get access to the exam hall.


Application Fee of the Border Security Force Tradesman Recruitment 2024


Fee changes for all the categories are different. candidates in the general category will have to pay a small amount of Rs 100 (approx), which is non-refundable. But for other categories, the charges are not applied.


Categories  Fee charges 
General  Rs 100
SC, ST, Female candidates  0


Note: This is a rough estimate made from previous years’ records.


Eligibility criteria for the Border Security Force Tradesman Recruitment 2024


Not everyone can participate in this recruitment process. The Recruiting Organization sets a standard scale for many aspects and candidates are supposed to be able to meet them to be eligible to participate in the recruitment process. Now, we shall delve into the eligibility criteria of the Border Security Force Tradesman Recruitment 2024.


Age limit-

The minimum age limit to be an eligible candidate is 18 years and the upper age limit extends to 40 years. Age relaxation is applicable as per the rules of the Government of India.



The candidates interested in participating in this recruitment process must be Indian Citizens.

Tibetan refugees who have a record of settling in India from 1960 with permanent settling intention can take part in this recruitment too.


Educational Qualification-

The candidates must be 10th class-passed individuals from a Government-recognized board of education (minimum education qualification).


The Border Security Force Tradesman Recruitment Process 2024


There is an extensively designed recruitment process involved in picking out the most qualified candidates from all the participants.

1. Written exam-

The candidates will go through a written exam designed to test their minimum educational knowledge, problem-solving skills, and general knowledge.


2. PET & PST –

This is to test the candidates’ physical state, strength, and endurance. Only those who cleared the written exam will be taking these tests.


3. Document Verification-

Candidates who have cleared the above two rounds will be called to submit their original documents to be verified. From here the final shortlisted name list will be made.


These are the important things to be aware of while considering taking part in the 2024 BSF Tradesman Recruitment. We hope this article is helpful to you.

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